Bluestacks root full
Bluestacks root full

Now, once you’ve updated and launched BlueStacks 5, you can find the Disk Cleanup Tool through the settings menu. If you haven’t done so already, feel free to go to our website and update your BlueStacks -it only takes a few minutes.

bluestacks root full

Of course, this means that in order to use this feature, you first need to download the latest version and update your client. With the newest version of our emulator, you can now easily find the Disk Cleanup Tool with the click of a button. How to Use The Disk Cleanup Tool in BlueStacks 5 And for those who moved to BlueStacks 5 but had been missing this useful feature, we’ve got some good news: the Disk Cleanup Tool has now arrived on BlueStacks in version 5.6 and onward.

bluestacks root full

This is because, in the previous version, people had access to a useful tool that would help them to optimize the storage space taken by our Android app player a feature called the Disk Cleanup Tool. Back in BlueStacks 4, users could not only install all the games that they wanted without any worries or concerns about their disk space, but also get back all the said storage space used by the said games after they were uninstalled.

Bluestacks root full